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Aderfes Lala (Lala Sisters)
“Camp involves a new, more complex relation to „the serious.“ One can be serious about the frivolous, frivolous about the serious.“
– Susan Sontag
Lala Sisters are not just children of camp aesthetics but rather their great grandchildren. They live, suffer and create within a post-camp milieu, where the boundaries of identities, political and aesthetic choices have been challenged, redefined , re-deconstructed and so on. On the one hand, camp seems to maintain an erosive edge, particularly at a time when pseudoseriousness and neo-conservatism prevail even in the discourse developed within the gay and lesbian communities, on the other hand, camp as a form is commercialised and used by dominant discourses for the worst ideas to be communicated. The meta-camp of the Lala Sisters attempts to maintain the subversive mood of a queer strategy and at the same time to refamiliarise various moments of trash which it considers familiar. Looking for inspiration at the genealogy of neo-baroque attack on the values of modernist minimalism (see Kenneth Anger, Jack Smith etc.), they form an eerie chorus where innocent rubbishy pop memories take shape, fitted with a new filter of bitter awareness. On their record presented exclusively on FTN 2014/15, Lala play with bipolarity: the nonserious/serious, the entrenched/queer, the playful/deadly.
Do not be fooled by the text you just read, Lala Sisters are primarily major clowns and this is more significant than any textual analysis.